Thursday, September 22, 2011

Day 2

Today is Day 2 and we traveled a total of 172 kilometers and it seemed like it was only hills up, hills on a curve and hills after the last hill.  What was missing was the down portion of the hill. 

We were blessed with a wonderful day of weather from the moment we started the ride in New Market to the completion of the day in Campbellford.  Mr. Sunshine followed us all day which was a welcomed team member from yesterday's dense fog and moisture from the rain.

 The morning had the Team riding together as a group at a steady pace.  We were treated to wonderful hydration and nutrition by our "unsung hero's" partnered with their welcomed smiles, enthusiasm and motivation.

 After lunch the Team split into groups going at their own pace and conquering the hills at their own speeds.  Once again the Waters Edge Inn welcomed us.  Chris took a plunge into the cold waters of the Trent River and Jenn did one better by dawning her tri-suit, cap and goggles and went for a swim. 

After everyone enjoyed the heat of the showers the Team met and went to a local restaurant and were treated to a great meal to replenish the calories burned on today's ride.  The Team were tired but not as many nodded off as last night. 

Tomorrow is our long day at approximately 190 kilometers and they are calling for rain, rain, more rain, head wind and cooler temperatures.  Due to this fact all Team members were happy to hit the pillow early.  Even though we are expecting less than desirable weather all members are unmoved on their motivation for this event.

 Thank you to the posts from family members.  Your words of encouragement are priceless.  We miss you all!


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