Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hailey Cole
Hi Mom,

Keep up the good work.  It was nice to be able to see you leave on your ride.  I'm glad I could be a part of the ceremony.  I love my jersey as you can see in my photo.  I hope the weather is good for all of you.  I also hope no dogs have chased you.

Love Hailey

1 comment:

  1. Hey baby doll! Thanks for your letters of the day from yourself and Payton. You have no idea how much motivation that is for me. For both Payton and you to donate your own money to the foundation is very thoughtful. It was nice to have chatted with Smack, you and dad after the ride today. It was a tough day but I got through it with the little thing called my "iPod". You did a great job on the news and you are my superstar. Give Smack and dad some kisses and get some sleep. Keep's awesome!!!
